Durkje Haringa, from Oudega, has been painting for 45 years: “It all started in kindergarten”

Jem Boet

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Durkje Haringa of Oudega celebrates his 45th painting anniversary this year. He has visited many places all these years to create different works. He painted the Wadden Islands, but to this day he also captures landscapes, flowers and nature. Haringa will open his enthusiast studio this summer, to celebrate his birthday.

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“Painting started in kindergarten. I already felt it then. My father knew how to draw and paint very well. That’s what I thought,” the artist Durkje begins to say. “After my father died, I lost sight of my love for painting. But he reappeared at the Kweekschool in Leeuwarden. There was a teacher who was very good at encouraging me. “So I made very beautiful things, which made me realize that I wanted to continue this in the future.”

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