Wedding of the year in British society: the billionaire Duke of Westminster (33) gets married

Hugh Grosvenor, the richest duke and the richest Briton under forty, is getting married. The most important society wedding of the year takes place this Friday in the United Kingdom. The impressive Eaton Hall Castle and especially Chester Cathedral are central to the wedding celebrations of Hugh Grosvenor, the 7th Duke of Westminster (33) and … Read more

Marxism is back and a homeless man in Amsterdam city hall

The Communist Manifesto in the 21st Century by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels METERArxism is back and the Communist Manifesto remains a fascinating read after 175 years. But is it also relevant for contemporary activists? Read Seije Slager’s review here. Karl Marx, Frederick Engels The Communist ManifestoWith contributions from, among others, Hannah van Binsbergen and HarriĆ«t … Read more

Amsterdam councilor: provisional majority against green plans

According to the city council, the new policy, the Main Green Structure, guarantees the protection and strengthening of greenery in the city. A group of Amsterdam residents disagreed and organized a referendum. They believe the plans are too flexible and actually offer less protected green areas. Van Dantzig congratulates the initiators in his message and … Read more

Taxpayers Association happy with Supreme Court ruling

The current Section 3 capital gains tax, or savings tax, “still violates the treaty’s prohibition on discrimination and the fundamental right to property,” according to the Supreme Court. According to De Vries, this is good news for the more than two million Dutch people who have to face the tax. “Their rights are guaranteed,” says … Read more

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