Marxism is back and a homeless man in Amsterdam city hall

The Communist Manifesto in the 21st Century by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels

METERArxism is back and the Communist Manifesto remains a fascinating read after 175 years. But is it also relevant for contemporary activists?

Read Seije Slager’s review here.

Karl Marx, Frederick Engels
The Communist Manifesto
With contributions from, among others, Hannah van Binsbergen and Harriët Bergman.
Ed. Herman Gorter
Contact Atlas; 152 pages €15.

The Communist Manifesto in the 21st Century by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels

Elsewhere by Ilse Josepha Lazaroms

In dense paragraphs and brilliant sentences, Elders’ narrator explores single motherhood, womanhood, and confronts old ghosts from her family’s past.

Read Femke Essink’s review here.

Ilse Josepha Lazaroms
Contact Atlas; 136 pages. €21.99.

Elsewhere by Ilse Josepha Lazaroms

Long Island by Colm Tóibín

Long Island, the sequel to Colm Tóibín’s best-selling novel Brooklyn, is much more than just childhood love. But the Irish author also breaks your heart in this melancholic novel.

Read Robin Goudsmit’s review here

Colm Toibín
Big Island
Ed. Nadia Ramer
De Geus; 352 pages €24.99.

Long Island by Colm Tóibín

The Rapaille festivities. Anti-political sentiments 1918-1931 by Robin te Slaa

In 1921, an alcoholic vagabond was elected to the Amsterdam city council. Street figures also disrupted politics elsewhere, historian Robin te Slaa describes in his book. The Rapaille festivities.

Read Paul van der Steen’s review here.

Robin in Slaa
The Rapaille festivities. Anti-political sentiments 1918-1931
Tree; 410 pages €29.90.

The Rapaille festivities.  Anti-political sentiments 1918-1931 by Robin te Slaa

We carry each other into the distance by Erik van Os

Illustrator Tineke Meirink creates poetic images from boulders and pebbles: a bird, an island, a loving father with a baby stone. With playful poetry by Erik van Os.

Read Bas Maliepaard’s review here.

Erik van Os
We are only in the distance
Sick. Tineke Meirink
Darling; 69 pages €17.99
From 8 years

We carry each other into the distance by Erik van Os

Revenge is Mine by Marie NDiaye

In her new novel, Marie NDiaye skillfully ramps up the tension, but ultimately leaves the reader unsatisfied.

Read Ger Leppes’ review here

Marie N Diaye
Revenge is mine
Translated from French by Floor Borsboom.
De Geus; 221 pages €21.99.

Revenge is Mine by Marie NDiaye

The most beautiful moment of your life. The best book for empty nesters by Esther Verhoef

All parents experience it: one day the children fly away and the nest is empty. The most important task has been accomplished. How do you shape your life afterwards? Popular thriller writer Esther Verhoef gives a good example: she throws a party with her husband Berry and her dog.

Read Iris Pronk’s review here

The most beautiful moment of your life.  The best book for empty nesters by Esther Verhoef

A week by Jeroen Theunissen

Liz just celebrated her sixty-second birthday, the cancer is eating away at her brain and she doesn’t want to do it anymore, although she still does. Then the doctor is at her bedside, ready to euthanize her in the presence of her loved ones. This is how A Week by Jeroen Theunissen opens. But after that first paragraph he spins her readers, following Liz’s gaze, back in time.

Read Elizabeth Kooman’s review here.

Jeroen Theunissen
One week
The Busy Bee; 237 pages €21.99.

A week by Jeroen Theunissen

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