Injured when a banner falls during the FC Twente match

Jem Boet

From a crane hung a gigantic banner with the images of former professional footballers Epi Drost and Arnold Bruggink, who played for both the amateur club Stevo and FC Twente. As the teams entered the field for a practice match, the banner suddenly came loose. Both the fabric and the metal support fell behind one of the goals.

A fortunate accident was that the huge object fell in front of the boarding and not on top of the crowd behind the goal. Footage from witnesses shows the operator moving the crane away with the cables hanging from the fans, probably in an attempt to prevent more loose material from falling on people. Players and other assistants almost immediately ran to the corner of the field where the accident occurred to provide assistance.

Ten fans were injured, two of them seriously, although their lives are not in danger, reports the Twente Tubantia news site. Four fans had to be hospitalized. Everyone is aware, reports FC Twente in X.

‘We are in close contact with the followers who organized the atmospheric campaign, with STEVO and the authorities. Together we analyzed how this could have happened. “For now, all attention is focused on the fans who were injured and others directly involved.”

The practice match was cancelled.

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