What is Sleepmaxxing, the TikTok Trend that Promises a Good Night’s Sleep?

Robert Novoski

Want to know TikTok’s latest obsession? Recently, the platform has become heavily focused on establishing optimal sleep conditions. The term “sleepmaxxing” suddenly appeared on social media applications as a general term for improving sleep quality. This includes trends such as “morning shed” and “sleepy girl mocktail”, which have gained momentum to increase sleep activity.

However, health experts are still concerned about how effective (and accurate) some of this information is. Captivating talk to Dr. Seeta Shah, GP, and sleep advisor for Panda London, to understand what sleepmaxxing is and whether it really helps (or hinders) good sleep.

What is sleepmaxing?

According to Dr. Shah, “sleepmaxxing refers to the practice of optimizing one’s sleep as much as possible, often by focusing on increasing the quantity and quality of sleep. This involves using various techniques, routines and even gadgets to ensure deeper, deeper and longer sleep.”

She adds: “sleepmaxxing can also include lifestyle changes, such as adjusting the sleep environment, following a strict sleep schedule, or engaging in calming rituals before bed such as meditation or herbal teas, or using sleep-enhancing apps.”

Why is sleepmaxxing trending on TikTok?

We’ve seen improvements in health over the past decade, and sleep remains one of the most researched factors given its impact on overall physical and mental health. “Sleepmaxxing is gaining traction on TikTok as part of a broader wellness trend,” says Dr. Shah. “Many individuals, especially the younger generation, are increasingly aware of the importance of self-care and mental health, of which sleep is a fundamental aspect. Influencers and content creators on the platform share their routines, products and tips for optimal sleep. “The trend is also visual, which fits perfectly with TikTok’s short video format, where users post aesthetic content about comfortable sleep environments, bedtime rituals, or the gadgets they use to maximize rest,” he said.

Who did it?

It’s no surprise that generation Z and millennials are leading this effort. “Especially those interested in health, fitness, and self-improvement,” says Dr. Shah. “Influencers, sleep enthusiasts, and even some health professionals are contributing to this trend by sharing their sleep advice and experiences. Additionally, individuals who are concerned about fatigue or mental health, or who are trying to increase productivity or focus, may be interested in the practice of sleepmaxxing,” he said.

What is this sleep trend?

Because sleepmaxxing is an overarching trend, you’ll see many micro-movements and trends at play in its practice. “There are several sleep-related trends circulating on platforms like TikTok,” says Dr. Shah, among others:

Sleep hygiene routine: This involves “establishing certain bedtime rituals, such as dimming the lights, limiting screen time, and avoiding caffeine to improve sleep quality,” says Dr. Shah.
Weighted blankets: “Using a thick blanket to increase relaxation and reduce anxiety,” he says.
Sleep gadget: “Utilize smart devices such as sleep trackers, noise machines, or light therapy lamps to optimize the sleep environment.”
Polyphasic sleep: This means “experimenting with alternative sleep patterns, such as taking several naps throughout the day versus one long nap at night,” says Dr. Shah.
Lucid dreaming technique: “Try methods to control dreams and increase their clarity,” he says.

What are the benefits of sleepmaxxing?

Of course, prioritizing good sleep is important for our overall well-being. “The main benefit of sleepmaxxing is improving sleep quality, which is very important for overall health,” says Dr. Shah, who adds that improving sleep quality can lead to:

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