Vance: Drill a lot of oil and everything automatically gets cheaper

Robert Novoski

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For example, if you were a registered voter in a key state like Pennsylvania, would you sign Elon Musk’s petition “in support of free speech and the right to bear arms”? The employee honestly said that for each of Musk’s signatures he would receive an amount of $ 47 – the same as Trump’s number on the list of American presidents if he wins. Musk will likely use contact information to direct voters to the polls via email and text messages.

And if you’re a voter in Pennsylvania, did you know you can vote now, and where you can go? Do you need help, someone else asked. These employees work completely according to the wishes of the Republicans, who pay little attention to Trump’s own opinions. They are still suspicious of voting weeks in advance or by mail. Deception in this way cost him the 2020 election, he stressed.

And JD Vance agrees, he said earlier this week, after weeks of deflecting questions from journalists about it. But when Vance finally arrived, gave his routine campaign speech and answered a few questions from journalists in front of the entire audience, he again didn’t elaborate. “I don’t like the current system. There just needs to be one day where everyone turns in the same ballot. But the people of Pennsylvania, through their legislature, have decided that there is another way. Let’s face that reality and make our voices matter. And only valid votes are counted and not illegal votes.”

Fake ballots

That earned him enthusiastic applause. Because among his listeners it was said much more sharply. “I just got the film Confirming Trump (‘Trump was right’),” said Gary Robinson, a retired employee at a steel mill across the border in West Virginia. “This shows exactly what tricks are being done. You can print additional ballots, with names from voter lists you can obtain from the state. To avoid double voting, vote for those who have not voted for five years, or are deceased.”

Therefore, Robinson doubts the upcoming elections. “I just hope we get such an overwhelming victory that the Democrats can’t spend enough fake money to fight it.”

He believes Trump has made a good choice for vice president alongside JD Vance if he wins. “I listened to what he said five years ago, when he didn’t think much of Trump, and I thought he was candid, he didn’t dodge questions. And with her background, growing up in poverty, a mother with a drug problem, I already thought at that point that she would make a good vice president. And maybe a good president too.”

Until then, Vice President Vance won’t be able to do much – his role is simply to wait for something to happen to the president. However, in his speech, Vance himself attributed all the mistakes or failures made by the Biden administration to Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate.

“It’s actually too easy. When you talk about Donald Trump’s accomplishments, you are talking about a time of extraordinary peace and prosperity for the American people,” he said, ignoring the coronavirus pandemic for a moment. “If you talk about Kamala Harris, we can stay busy. Did you see the interview with Bret Baier? [op Fox News] Yesterday? I felt sorry for him and everyone watching. Because his whole campaign theme is basically pretending he doesn’t know who Joe Biden is. And don’t mind high inflation. Never mind the wide open southern border. Because Kamala Harris will tell you it wasn’t her fault.”

Gas oil

In contrast, the Trump-Vance administration will solve US problems very quickly. High prices in stores? According to Vance, this figure will fall rapidly as long as energy is cheaper. “Because energy is in everything and is the biggest cost component.” So “drill, baby, drill,” especially in oil and natural gas-rich Pennsylvania, will be fine.

There are also obvious solutions to high rents and expensive homes. “We didn’t build enough. Here too, ‘drill, baby, drill’ is the solution to make energy and construction cheaper. And lower mortgage interest rates, so that people can buy the house they like again. And repeal all the ridiculous regulations that make it difficult to build a house.

“But we also have to be honest: if you build five million new homes in the next three years, but you import 25 million illegal foreigners, house prices will rise. So here’s Donald Trump’s simple plan: build more homes in America, and make sure those homes are for American citizens.”

He once again received a standing ovation for the finale. Americans are being hurt by the current administration, according to Monica Ewing, who came with Gary Robinson from West Virginia. “Biden has given so much money to the guy who always wears green, what’s his name, who’s from the Russian war. Zelensky, yes. Billions and billions. Let him think about our own country. Especially after the storm.”

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