Macron invites business elite, including Musk, to Olympic lunch

The lunch, planned before the election was called, was originally intended to thank business leaders for sponsoring the Paris Olympics. Guests include Coca-Cola’s James Quincey, Alexandre Bompard of retail chain Carrefour, Alibaba’s Joe Tsai, ArcelorMittal’s Aditya and Lakshmi Mittal, Airbnb’s Brian Chesky, TikTok’s Shou Zi Chew, YouTube’s Neal Mohan, Eli Lilly’s David Ricks and LVMH’s … Read more

How Palestinians are moving further away from home

“Where do you live?” I ask my landlord after a while. It’s 2011, and I’m studying political history in Jerusalem for a semester. I rent a small apartment from an optometrist wearing a kippah. He doesn’t mention his hometown, saying only, “I live a few kilometers east of Jerusalem.” Everything in Israel is political, who … Read more

Seedlings amidst destruction in Gaza

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Gaza ceasefire deal nears, US government source says

“We believe it is in its final stages and a deal can be reached,” the unnamed senior administration official told reporters on the eve of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House on Thursday. He and President Joe Biden will discuss remaining hurdles. Netanyahu will then meet with Vice President and presumptive … Read more

Now we know about the attack on Donald Trump

1. How are the victims? Donald Trump no longer has a striking white bandage over his ear, but he still has two overlapping Band-Aids. According to his former personal physician at the White House, current House member Ronny Jackson had a two-centimeter wound on his ear that is now healing well. At campaign rallies he … Read more