Immediate budget 2025: Laurent Saint-Martin “not opposed” to the state selling 10% of its shares in the issuer to pay off debts

Robert Novoski

A tax on the “super profits” of big companies should “make crisis profiteers contribute to national solidarity”, according to LFI

LFI deputies and their left-wing allies imposed taxes « super profit » large companies, « victory » which they say could generate 15 billion euros.

This “extraordinary contribution”which will apply to companies with a turnover of more than 750 million euros, according to “rebellious” elected officials, aims to “making crisis profiteers contribute to national solidarity”Who “obscenely enriched” during the health crisis and then the energy crisis.

This amendment, however, will be put to a new vote next week, when the party ” receipt “ The 2025 state budget will be examined in a hemicycle, where elected officials will start from the original version of the project proposed by the government.

In detail, it will be considered as a « super profit » the share of company profits that exceeds 1.25 times the average annual profit earned during the 2017-2019 period (i.e. before the Covid crisis). Additional taxes will be calculated on these profits ” Extraordinary “with three brackets imposed at 20%, 25% and 33%.

From “gas group that generated profits of more than 10 billion euros in the first half” must “make their contribution to the collective effort”argues ecologist Eva Sas. “If you want all our companies to leave the region, you are right: this is the way to do it! »answered Véronique Louwagie (LR). RN, whose elected officials came up with the idea “interesting”abstained.

The Finance Committee also approved several provisions aimed at reducing the research tax credit (CIR) – a tax aid for business introduced during François Hollande’s five-year term, but whose costs were criticized by left-wing groups for its effectiveness in terms of support. for growth and employment. The amendment proposed by PS plans to turn this tax credit into a tax deduction for large companies: they no longer benefit from it if profits or losses are insufficient.

Another amendment, this time proposed by the right, aims to remove CIR from financial and insurance companies, which could result in savings of 1.5 billion euros, out of a total cost of 8 billion euros. This tax credit is a must “refocusing on industrial or agricultural activities” participate in “productive economy”argued the author, Corentin Le Fur (LR). The general budget rapporteur, Charles de Courson (LIOT), also passed an amendment to reduce the base amount eligible for CIR, with an estimated benefit of 250 million euros.

In the evening, deputies approved several increases in local taxes, in particular the housing tax on second homes by allowing all municipalities to apply the increases (up to 60%) reserved at this stage for the regions. « tendues ».

The agreement also included increasing the development tax collected by the department on building permits, and extending taxes on commercial space to giant warehouses – with the e-commerce sector as their target. Instead, the commission supports a property tax exemption on agricultural land that goes beyond the policy proposed by the government.

More than 400 amendments still have to be vetted on Saturday, before the start of the hemicycle debate from Monday.

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