A reference in the field of technology and innovation, EST/UAE opens the door to the dissemination of knowledge

Robert Novoski

Amazonas State University College of Technology (EST/UAE) opened its doors to high school students this Friday (18) at the end of the 21st National Week of Science and Technology (SNCT).

This three-day event aims to bring the university closer to the community, in addition to promoting the dissemination of knowledge produced in classrooms and laboratories.

On the last day of the event, 40 students from the Escola Estadual de Tempo Integral Maria do Céu Vaz D’Oliveira, from the Colônia Terra Nova neighborhood, north of the capital, visited the EST/UEA laboratory, an exhibition of educational games and an exhibition of scientific initiation and extension work.

According to the director of EST/UAE, Prof. Dr Jucimar Maia Júnior, this initiative helps young people choose a profession. For him, participation in national and international events to advance science places this institution as a reference in technological development.

“Education, especially higher education, is the most guaranteed way to build a prosperous future. For 13 months, we have been working to make EST/UAE part of the technology and innovation ecosystem at Amazon, and we have succeeded. “Currently EST is a state and national reference, which produces knowledge, business and jobs, trains the best professionals,” he stressed.

Geography professor Mailon Silva accompanies his students at the Saltu Laboratory, which develops electronic games in collaboration with companies from the Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM), such as TecToy. He highlighted the importance of universities opening their doors to students and believes that such actions help in the training of youth.

“There is a perspective here for them to become entrepreneurs in a comprehensive professional market, and this represents the possibility of a better future. “By taking part in laboratory visits, we can arouse curiosity, interest and creativity and this is good for students,” he said.

Year 3 high school student, Dheraldh Cristiano, 17 years old, stated that the visit provided reflection on his professional future. “There was a game being developed here and I didn’t know about it. I found the possibility of paid work developing games very attractive. “That’s anyone’s dream,” said the student.

Bridge competition

The 21st SNCT was held at institutions throughout the country with the aim of disseminating knowledge. Among the activities carried out at EST/UAE was the 1st Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition promoted by the Civil Engineering course.

In this challenge, students apply the concepts of solid mechanics, structural analysis, and material housing to produce a stick bridge capable of withstanding heavy loads. The bridge that occupies first place is capable of supporting a load weighing 90kg. Second place supported 59kg and third, 55kg.

“The aim of the 17th National Science and Technology Week and Civil Engineering Week is that, apart from providing students with learning through lectures, it also provides an opportunity for students to show through this workshop what they have learned,” said the Civil Engineering coordinator. course at EST/UAE, Prof. Dr. Fernandes Fernandes.

This activity is supported by the AltoQI company which develops computer programs for managing construction projects. Winners gain access to the company’s Education platform to help with their studies.

Technology warehouse

EST/UAE work on Amazon biodiversity was also present at the event with a talk on climate variation in the Amazon and a workshop on the impact of deforestation on the length of the dry and rainy seasons in the Brazilian Amazon biome.

Education Quality Coordinator at EST/UAE, Prof. Samantha Pinheiro stated that SNCT is an opportunity to showcase scientific production taking place in Amazonas.

“Currently, the College of Technology has become a repository for innovation and knowledge, showing how science and technology are disseminated throughout society. This is a crucial moment for the entire EST community and students from other UAE units to qualify and develop professionally,” he said.

*With information from consultants

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